Pledge for a HIV-Free Community
What's YOUR Pledge? Click HERE to submit.

2025 Meeting Schedule
To access the 2025 meeting schedule, click HERE.
2025 Events & Trainings
To access Commission-sponsored events and trainings, you may click on the EVENTS header tab or click HERE.
HIV + STD Services Customer Support Program
If you or someone you know is a consumer of HIV and STD services who have experienced difficulty accessing services from DHSP-funded providers throughout Los Angeles County, the Customer Support Program can assist with accessing HIV or STD services and addressing concerns about the quality of services received. Please contact the Customer Support Program via email , online or by telephone at (800) 260-8787. *By contacting the Customer Support Program, you will not be denied services. Your name and personal information can be kept confidential.
Welcome to the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV website. We’re delighted that you have taken time to find out more about the Commission, its activities, and, most importantly, about the services that Los Angeles County provides for people living with and at risk for HIV/AIDS and STDs.
The Los Angeles County Commission on HIV (COH) serves as the local planning council for the planning, allocation, coordination and delivery of HIV/AIDS services. The COH is composed of 51 members appointed by the Board of Supervisors and represent a broad and diverse group of providers, consumers, and stakeholders. 33% of the membership are HIV+ individuals who are consumers of the federally funded Ryan White Program.
A comprehensive, sustainable, accessible system of prevention and care that empowers people at-risk, living with or affected by HIV to make decisions and to maximize their lifespans and quality of life.
The Los Angeles County Commission on HIV focuses on the local HIV/AIDS epidemic and responds to the changing needs of People Living With HIV/AIDS within the communities of Los Angeles County.
The Commission on HIV provides an effective continuum of care that addresses consumer needs in a sensitive prevention and care/treatment model that is culturally and linguistically competent and is inclusive of all Service Planning Areas (SPAs) and Health Districts (HDs).
The Commission supports and actively incorporates in its planning, the County’s Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives (ARDII); an initiative that articulates an anti-racist agenda that guides, governs, and increases the County’s ongoing commitment to fighting racism in all its dimensions, especially racism that systemically and systematically affects Black residents.
The Commission welcomes commissioners, guests, and the public into a space where people of all opinions and backgrounds can contribute. We create a safe environment that celebrates differences while striving for consensus and is characterized by consistent, professional, and respectful behavior. Our common enemies are HIV and STDs. We strive to be introspective and understand and clarify our assumptions, while appreciating the complex intersectionality of the lives we live. We challenge ourselves to be self-reflective and committed to an ongoing understanding. Refer to the Commission's Code of Conduct here.
For more information on the County’s ARDII, click here.
To access the Commission’s Statements of Solidarity, click here.
Key Resources
HRSA Ryan White Program Overview Fact Sheet
Ryan White Program Service Category Fact Sheets
Los Angeles County Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)
Los Angeles County, Division of HIV and STD Programs Ending the HIV Epidemic website
Los Angeles County HIV and STD Surveillance Dashboards
Los Angeles County DPH Community Health Profiles

Get Protected LA | I'M + LA
Free or low-cost HIV care (including medical and/or support services)

Los Angeles County Comprehensive HIV Plan (2022-2026)

Gerald Garth
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Los Angeles LGBT Center
Co-Chair, Black African American Workgroup
Member, Public Policy Committee
Why did you join the Commission on HIV? Black people continue to be disproportionately impacted by HIV, yet at the same time, are underrepresented in spaces of decision-making and influence. I am humbled that community trusts me to know that I will continue to bring all of us into the work. Being a part of the Commission allows me to prioritize and advocate for all of our intersections and identities.
Is there anything else you would like to share? We all have a role in the wholeness and healing of our communities when it comes to HIV. Our responsibility is to define what that is and commit to bringing those skills and strengths unabashedly. One of my own quotes that guides me is “none of us have to do everything, if all of us do something.”

Luckie Alexander
Prevention Training Specialist, APLA Health
Founder, Invisible Men
Co-Chair of the Operations Committee
Former Co-Chair, Transgender Caucus
Why did you join the Commission on HIV? My reason for joining the Commission is twofold, first, I wanted to be a representation of a community that is under-represented in the realm of HIV, the transmasculine community, and I want to find a way to keep one of my childhood best friends as healthy as possible. He was diagnosed when we were 18 and I have been in the work ever since.
Is there anything else you would like to share? I want people to know that transmasculine individuals are often left out of the conversation around HIV and are one of the populations the most at risk. More research needs to be done to ensure the transmasculine population is not the next wave of the epidemic.

Mallery Jenna Robinson
Commissioner Alternate
Transgender and HIV Advocate and Healthcare Specialist for MJR
CAB Coordinator for WeCanStopSTDsLA – Coachman-Moore and Associates
Peer Facilitator for Plume
Community and Social Media Manager for Trans Women Connected
Associate Producer for Two Eyes Film
Founder and Instructor Trans Excellence Academy and Transgender Empathy Trainings (T.E.T. Talk)
Podcaster for A Hateful Homicide
Why did you join the Commission on HIV? As an AfraCaribbean Transwoman living undetectably with HIV, I wanted to be a representation for my community and serve in space where my identify would be validated.